Coming Soon: New Chat and Friends!

Hello penguins! Today Club Penguin posted a new post about the new chat and friends.  It is coming soon and I can wait for the 2 things! Here is what the post says:

Hello Penguins!

Hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the Anniversary Party! Make sure you check out the new Yearbook over in the Book Room.

Last month I posted a video blog where I mentioned that we’re working on a brand new Friends experience. I also mentioned the new Chat system that some of you helped test on Beta Team.

Guess what? We’re getting ready to launch them both very soon! These are two of the biggest system improvements we’ve ever made, so we’re incredibly excited to share them with you. Here’s a sneak peek of the new Friends icon in the toolbar:

While I can’t say too much just yet, I will say this… the new Friends and Chat will make it way easier for you to connect with your friends on Club Penguin. We’ll have more info soon, so stay tuned!

Until then… Waddle On!

Nice! I can’t wait for this new thing! Tell me your thoughts on this is the comments. 😀



Club Penguin 6th Year Anniversary Party Hat Cheats!

Hello penguins! Since the 6th Year Anniversary party is released there is always a party hat for you to have in the party. Here are the cheats to get it.

1. Go to the Coffee Shop.

2. Click on what I circled.

3. Then go close to the party hat (you will see it).

Here is how the party hat will look on your player card.

What do you think about the Party Hat? Leave comments below with your thoughts.


Club Penguin New Play Night Of The Living Sled

Hello penguins! Today there is a new play in the island. It’s about Halloween of course. To see the play follow these steps:

1. Go to the Plaza. See the Stage? Go in it.

2. There! Well that is not all. There is also a Costume Trunk. This is a catalog where you get the costumes you can use for the play. This time they have all play costumes but I’m only doing this play ones.

Go to page 1 of the catalog and click on what I circled.

Tell me your thoughts about the play in the comments.


Club Penguin Newspaper Issue #313

Hello penguins! Today Club Penguin released a new newspaper. It’s about Halloween because it is the Halloween party you know. The first issue is about that the Halloween party is now on.

And then the igloo contest in Club Penguin is now here. A Halloween one.

And then upcoming events.

What do you think of the newspaper? Comment below with some of your thoughts!


Club Penguin Cyrstal Ball Pin Cheats

Hello penguins! Today Club Penguin released a new pin. It’s called the Crystal Ball Pin. Here are the cheats for it:

1. Go to the Forest and then the Hidden Lake. It should be under like maybe a big pumpkin? Idk I forgot :3

2. Then you go where I am in the Hidden Lake. Anyways you can see the pin right?

What do you think about the pin? I think the pin looks good. Leave comments on your thoughts!


Reviewed By You: Puffle Hats!

Hello penguins! Billybob just posted a new post in the Club Penguin Community blog. It is about Puffle Hats. Here is what the post says:

Hello Penguins!

In our last Reviewed by You post, we asked you for your best Puffle Launch tips and tricks. We asked a game designer to pick his favorite trick from the comments. Here are a couple different tips you suggested:
Shadow1o12 said: 
My advice would be if you see the cannon pointing up and nothing is there go up it. I did it once. I got lots of coins doing that and thats my advice for you. Isn’t it awesome! So i do it all the time now. Waddle over to the pet shop and do it. Waddle on CP.
Chihang321 said:
Remember, During a boss level, you usually have to defeat a flying machine. Instead of hitting it from the bottom or the sides, you hit it from the top so gravity pulls your puffle down and allows you to do two or even three or even four hits in a row! 
Thanks for sharing all the great Puffle Launch tricks!

For this Reviewed by You, we want to celebrate Halloween and Puffle Hats… We want you to describe the freakiest, strangest, zaniest Halloween-themed puffle hat you could possibly imagine!

Describe your creation in a comment below. Then next week, we’ll randomly pick one of your inventions and a Club Penguin artist will draw it here on the blog!

Try to keep your comment as short as possible (50-75 words is best.) Can’t wait to read all your comments!

Until then… Waddle On!

Nice! I’m thinking of a random Puffle Hat for Halloween in Club Penguin right now! I haven’t thought of one yet but in the comments below you can tell me your ideas.


Club Penguin Field-Ops #50

Hello penguins! Club Penguin released a new Field-Ops today for EPF agents. Here are the cheats for it.

1. Click on your spy phone then click go there because it will alert you that there is a new Field-Ops.

2. It will take you to the EPF Command room. Click on the Field-ops screen. And click “Accept Field-Ops” so you can take it.

3. Go to the Snow Forts and near to the clock. Well in the place I took a picture of near the clock.

4. And then.. a fun game to do for the Field-Ops. xD.

5. When you are done Rookie will send you a message.

If you can’t read it here is what the message says:

You did it! Good work! I can’t believe you got through. I guess we’ll have to check if our network security is weak! Or maybe you’re just too good for the job?

Remember – Comm Agents are great communicators. Hey wait! That must be what ‘comm’ stands for!

What do you think of this weeks Field-Ops? Comment below with your thoughts! 😀
